Marion Pierschkalla

Body-Mind Process Facilitation · Coaching · Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Therapy

Marion Pierschkalla

Marion PierschkallaOver the course of my life until now, my spiritual quest led me to meet a number of exceptional teachers from Europe, South and in particular North America. For me, in-depth study with these teachers meant to become more open for the connections between my internal and the external world, asking questions such as, "Why does my life look exactly as it looks?" "What is my purpose?", "What does it mean to be here?", "What makes me suffer - and also: How do I go about creating a fulfilled life for myself, a life which reflects my own truth and my inner beingness?

For me, having this inner dialogue with ourselves is a continuous task, a challenge and also gift making life infinitely rich and opening the eyes to the richness and diversity surrounding all of us.

Ultimately, being human also means to enter into this dialogue with yourself in a new way again and again. I will be glad to welcome you to this path and to be your companion on it for a while.

Born in 1962

  • Naturopath for Psychotherapy (HPG, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie)
  • Somatic Experience Practitioner® (Traumatherapy according P. Levine)
  • SATe®- Somatic Attachment Experience
  • MSc, Complementary, Psychosocial and Integrated Health Sciences, Interuniversity College / Graz, Seggau
  • Brennan Healing Science Practitioner®
  • Advanced Studies - Brennan Integration Practitioner®
  • Teacher training and Supervision, Barbara Brennan School of Healing®
  • Heart Path Realignment® Process Facilitator
  • Life-Coach
  • Nondual Kabbalistic Healer®

Co-founder and supporter of the 'Mama Afrika' Society,
an association focusing on supporting entrepreneurship in Kenia/Africa 2007-2010

previously: New Line Educational support
Counselling for adolescents and their parents